Photos Thursley after the fire

Businesses will have to produce company biodiversity plans

Businesses will have to produce company biodiversity plans under policies outlined by London mayor Ken Livingstone. The mayor's biodiversity strategy also sets out ways that the greening of the built environment can be encouraged and how open spaces will be used in ecologically sensitive ways. Connecting with London's Nature - The Mayor's Biodiversity Strategy is available, priced £10, from the Greater London Authority's publications department (tel: 020 7983 4100).

From 30 August 2002 Planning magazine

A FREE copy of our own poster Business and Biodiversity - a Win, Win Situation is available by emailing us your name and address and stating Free Copy of Poster when we will be pleased to put the poster in the post to you.  
Alternatively, you might like to purchase a copy of our book Easy Step by Step Guide to Developing Environmentally Sensitive Land - The Business Approach which costs £14.99. Email us with with your details and Purchase Book and we will be pleased to contact you direct.

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